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Since October 2021, Frances is now working as a professional artist.
Her original paintings are exclusively represented by Morpeth Gallery NSW.

Holmes Prize for Excellence in Realistic Australian Bird Art 2024

Frances is delighted to announce that  Rise and Shine (Cockatiels) has won an Award of Excellence! Only four such awards were given, along with the major prize. 40 paintings were selected for inclusion in this year's Holmes Prize, with the standard reaching higher levels every year.

This prestige competition attracts more entries every year of a very high calibre. It is fast becoming the equivalent of the Archibald Prize for bird art!


One of the most unforgettable experiences of my life was a recent trip to the NT on a guided bird photography tour.

Rising at the crack of dawn, we waited patiently as flocks of cockatiels alighted high up on a gnarly-branched tree. I've never witnessed these birds in the wild, and it was a breathtaking sight to see so many.

I hope the resulting painting leaves the viewer with the same feelings and sense of wonder I experienced that day.

Cockatiels are popular as a caged pet but I feel they are happiest when flying under a cobalt Australian sky.

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Rise and Shine (Cockatiels)
60 x 51cm
Watercolour on 2000gsm museum board

1st Place WINNER
Art and Colour 365 Magazine
Animals Art Competition 2024


Frances is thrilled to receive notification that her online entry House Hunting (Eastern Rosellas) won 1st Place! Over 600 entries were received worldwide, with artwork entries of a very high calibre. A win such as this means her artwork will be seen by a wider audience worldwide.​


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M A R K  &  F R A N C E S
2 7  J A N U A R Y  2 0 2 4

I'm delighted to announce my marriage to the love of my life, Mark Norton!

Mark was my classical guitar music teacher back in 1988. There were no "sparks" then, and our lives went on separate paths for nearly 3 decades.
After a chance meeting on FaceBook, love blossomed for me and luckily it blossomed for Mark, too!

I am now legally Mrs Frances Norton, but I will continue to sign my paintings and run my business as Frances McMahon.

Holmes Prize for Excellence in Realistic Australian Bird Art 2023


Now in its 7th year, the Holmes Prize for Excellence in Realistic Australian Bird Art is sponsored annually by Sunshine Coast dermatologist Dr Gary Holmes and his wife, Dr Margaret Anderson.

This is a major art prize, and the only one dedicated exclusively to Australian birds.

After a record number of entries, Frances' painting House Hunting (Eastern Rosellas) was just one of only 40 finalists selected.

Frances is delighted to have won an Award of Excellence. Only 4 paintings received such an award.


The guttering and eaves of the unit where I live are in dire need of a spruce-up. However, the local Eastern Rosellas don't seem to mind, as they are often observed chewing away at the rotting wood in order to make a nesting cavity.

Art often imitates life. At the time of painting this, it so happened that my fiancé and I were also looking for our forever home and have also been seen house hunting!

I'll always fondly remember and miss the friendly chattering and brilliance of these lovely birds which brightened up the greyest of winter days. 

House Hunting (Eastern Rosellas)
Now available as a superb Limited Edition Giclée Print

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House Hunting (Eastern Rosellas) 
Now available as a superb Limited Edition Giclée Print

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Showing Off (Sulphur-crested Cockatoos) 
Now available as a superb Limited Edition Giclée Print

Frances is overjoyed to have WON BEST IN SHOW for the Holmes Prize 2022!

This is a prestige art prize, showcasing Australia's best realistic bird artists. Only 35 finalists were selected nationwide.
Original painting acquired into the collection of Dr Gary Holmes.


Holmes Prize for Excellence in Realistic Australian Bird Art 2022


Artist statement

Sometimes the most interesting and wonderful subjects may be found right outside your front door. These two characters captured in the last rays of the afternoon sun, were raucously screeching and fanning out their spectacular yellow crests in a gum tree close to my balcony. Although gathering reference was easy in this case, painting white feathers was another challenge altogether. In watercolour, you leave the white areas unpainted, only painting the shadows. Added to this was the attempt to render the light filtering through translucent areas (such as the wing) and ensuring the shadow areas of yellow don’t appear a peculiar shade of green!

The word “cocky” has entered Australian slang. It refers to the cockatoo’s habit of one bird keeping a lookout for the other birds feeding on the ground. A “cocky” is a person keeping guard for sudden police raids on illegal gambling. 

Common in the north and east of Australia, Sulphur-crested Cockatoos are both intelligent and long-lived. They produce a very fine powder to preen themselves with instead of oil as many other birds do. There are four recognised subspecies. 


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© 2025 Frances McMahon. All rights reserved.

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